Friday, June 07, 2013

A Long Week

My pc went caput and I was not able to update the web site. It got worst when I forgot to pay the yearly subscription for the domain. So, don’t be alarming when my cooking site is not working. Just point the website to

I have not cooked any new recipe lately and I was busy weeding in the garden. I am happy to see the rain pouring hard today. The plants in the patch will appreciate it. I have harvested the radishes and the lettuces thus far.

The pea plants are flowering and some have produced peas. I have tasted some peas and they are not sweet yet. I think they would be ready by this weekend. This year I am using compost on the plants. It has helped. The plants grow vigorously. I also soaked some of the seeds prior to planting. It expedited the germination process.

I also start some seeds indoors, like the lettuces and the hard work has been paid off. I have harvested the most delicious head lettuces ever. Not only that they are tender and buttery, but they look so pretty in my garden.

I am enjoying a resting day today from working in the garden. I can start weeding again tomorrow and sunday. The weatherman said there will be more showers next week. I couldn’t be happier.

I need to de clumped the ground cherry plants. They are growing in one spot, about three plants, together.
Each plant has a potential of growing 2 feet wide. I hope to get some of the golden cherries.

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