Sunday, November 14, 2010

Trailing African Violets

I am spending this lovely and beautiful sunday at home. I picked up the loaner car at the dealer shop yesterday. You can see the car in the picture below. It is a black Nissan Altima. I hope the workshop will be able to fix my car. I miss it already.
This trailing african violets is flowering. I actually have been neglecting them since the last part of summer and early fall. Honey lifted the temporary curtain when he put back all the connections to the TV, and I saw the beautiful purple flowers from the trailing african violets.
I bought these african violets from the flea market early spring for a dollar each pot. I am happy that they survive and flowering.
The flower is getting a lot of sun from this window. Honey as usual feel jealous and said that this bay window is not for my flower pots. Erkk...he has forgotten the main reason to have this window besides peeping on the neighbor.
I am in a mission to finish watching Siti Kelembai on the internet.
Time flies when I have a mission like this. The treller is 50% done. I need to clean it before we pack the RV for winter.


Unknown said...

The flowering plant in your photo is not an african violet, it is a streptocarpus.

Zue Murphy said...

Kelly, thanks for the scientific name of the flower. Streptocarpus is a close relative of the Saintpaulia (African violet), and a member of the same Gesneriad family.

Menaka D said...

I have african violets too; they're purple. I will take some pictures of them and post in my blog someday. I have christmas cactus, a couple of orchids, and some other plants, courtesy of my neighbour. She loves gardening...

ICook4Fun said...

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha Zue. Kerja ke besuk?

Zue Murphy said...

Menaka, I cannot wait to see your flowers' picture. I find african violet is very fussy to care. But the plant is beautiful when flowering.

Zue Murphy said...

Gert, thanks. Yes, I went to work on Aidil adha. A lot happening on that day...donate blood, pick up the car from the workshop and lastly had a nice company at Salbiah's.

Yati Harvey said...

cantik pokok tu.I nak look it up at the Garden Centre nanti.


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